What kind of damage can voles do in winter?

voles winnipeg

Voles can do damage winter:

In winter, voles can cause significant damage to plants and trees by feeding on their bark and roots. During cold months, voles burrow under the snow and create tunnels, which they use for protection and to search for food. These tunnels can damage plant roots and bulbs, making them more vulnerable to frost damage and diseases.

One of the most common types of damage that voles can cause during winter is called girdling. Girdling occurs when voles chew around the base of a tree or shrub, completely removing a ring of bark. This can cut off the flow of water and nutrients to the upper parts of the plant, leading to wilting, dieback, and even death of the plant.

Voles can also damage turfgrass by creating runways under the snow, which can damage the root system and cause the grass to die. In addition, they can feed on the above-ground parts of plants such as flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees, causing significant damage to the plant’s growth and yield.

To prevent voles from causing damage in winter, it is important to keep the area around trees and shrubs free of vegetation and debris, which can provide cover and nesting sites for voles. Trunk guards or wire mesh can also be used to protect the bark of young trees from girdling. Additionally, removing snow from around plants can discourage voles from creating tunnels and burrowing around the roots.

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